You have probably never heard of this movie, but you should go watch it because it is so amazing. Today, I will be sharing a bath cocktail inspired by the movie. Just a warning, this post may contain spoilers.
For the bath bomb, you ca either use So White, which is a Christmas product, or Fizzbanger from the regular line. These both have apple scents, like the apple that Gurgi (my favorite Disney character, besides Tigger) steals from Taran. For the bubble bar, you can use Happy Bubble to represent Gurgi and how he is very energetic and happy for most of the film. For the bath melt, you should use Ceridwen's Cauldron because of the Horned King finally getting the cauldron by using Hen-Wen's powers and producing the cauldron-born army. I can't use that one since I am allergic to walnuts, so I would use Floating Island because both of those bath melts don't change any scent.
For soap, I would use Demon In The Dark to represent the Horned King, by far the scariest villain in the Disney lineup. For shower gel, I would use Flying Fox to represent the beautiful Princess Eilonwy, who has been captured by the Horned King and was being held in his dungeon until she and Taran escaped. For shampoo and conditioner you can use whatever you want. While in the bath, you can use the King of Skin Body Butter because of the Horned King.
For lotion, you can use Charity Pot because the scent is light and won't overpower the smell left on your skin by the bath.
That's all for the Black Cauldron bath cocktail.
Have a nice day,
~Mr. Lushie
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