Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today's Melt: BBW Blackberry Grapefruit (Plus Bonus How-To)

Hey!  Today I am doing a today's melt video.  I will also be including yesterday's as I forgot to put it up.

Yesterday, I melted Dole Whip from Sweet Fixations.  It had a nice throw, but it didn't last very long, I had to add 1/2 per day instead of 1/4 like I do with most SF tarts.  It is one of the best scents I have melted from this company so far.  It is pineapple and vanilla ice cream, just a very creamy pineapple scent that I will definitely be repurchasing from her.

Now, onto today's melt.  This one also didn't last that long with 1/2, so I just put in the other half.  It is Blackberry Grapefruit from the summer line of candles from Slatkin.  The description says "Fresh from the orchard, a luscious blend of sun-ripened blackberries and juicy grapefruit with a touch of creamy sandalwood."  I didn't get any grapefruit from this, just a nice creamy blackberry scent.  I turn all of my BBW candles into tarts since I don't burn candles.  Keep reading for a quick how to on turning candles into tarts.

This will only work if the opening at the top is the same width or larger than all the other parts of the candle jar.  For example, BBW candles work amazingly, but a Yankee jar candle would not.  Just sick the candle, no lid in the freezer for a few hours so the wax molecules will condense.  Then, just turn over the candle and hit the bottom until it comes out.  You could also try to pull it out by the wick.  Then, take a knife and get out the little thing at the bottom that holds the wick in place.  If it didn't already break, cut it with your knife.  This works for any jar size from Slatkin, not just the minis.

Have a nice day!

FTC Disclaimer:  I paid for all the products mentioned myself.  I am not sponsored by any company mentioned and I am not affiliated with any of them.

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