Today, I went to Walmart and got 5 clamshell tarts from Better Homes and Gardens. I thought I would share it with you.
Mulberry Plum Spice- Smells like the Vampire Blood hand soap with a tiny bit of cinnamon.
Warm Autumn Welcome- This is the one people say smells like Yankee Harvest Welcome, but I can't say yay or nay on that. I think it smells like a spiced pumpkin a it of sweetness and a fresh air scent in the background.
Sugared Melon Kiwi- I heard somewhere this one is hard to find, so I had to get it. The first thing I get a slightly candied watermelon and then what I think is a kiwi scent.
Candied Caramel Pecan- You might be thinking, how is that any different than Caramelized Pralines? It smells like the caramel from CP, with almost no praline. It just smells like the part of CP i like.
Iced Carrot Cake- I know Jdazzler15 raved about this and I can see what she is talking about. It smells like a spicy cake with a little bit of cream cheese frosting.
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